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Search - The Design of the LED Dot Matrix System

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Description: 本文给出基于单片机系统的16×15 三色LED 点阵双显示屏设计方案,采用动态显示原 理,配合优化的程序设计,在动态扫描方式下,得到较高刷新速率、画面清晰的三色显示效 果。 本设计实现了由红、黄、绿组成的十二种颜色搭配的静态和动态字符、文字、动画显 示:集成ASCII 码子库显示;四条广告语的十二种颜色循环显示;生动的动画显示。按键 控制上下左右移动及速度大小和灰度等级。 【关键词】 三色LED 显示屏 动态显示 单片机 双-In this paper, based on single-chip microcomputer system of 16 × 15 three-color LED dot-matrix dual-screen design, the use of dynamic display principle, with the optimized programming, in a dynamic scan mode, get a higher refresh rate, frame-accurate three- color display. The design by the red, yellow and green, composed of 12 kinds of colors of the static and dynamic characters, text, animation show: Integrated ASCII different library display four of the 12 kinds of advertisement cycle color display vivid animation show . About moving up and down buttons control the speed and size and gradation. [Key Words] tri-color LED display single-chip dual dynamic display
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: www | Hits:


Description: 点阵led设计,可以实现左移,右移,上滚,下滚,卷帘出,卷帘入,有源代码-Dot matrix led design, can realize the left, shifted to right, on the roll, the next roll, rolling out into the shutter, active code
Platform: | Size: 99328 | Author: 陈雷 | Hits:


Description: 单片机开发1.16x16字点阵(滚动显示2.cdma通信系统中的接入通道部分进行仿真与分析3.LED显示屏动态显示和远程监控的实现4.MCS-51单片机温度控制系统5.usb接口设计-Single-chip dot matrix character development 1.16x16 (Scrolling 2.cdma communication system access channel part of the simulation and analysis of dynamic 3.LED screen display and remote monitoring realize 4.MCS-51 Single-chip temperature control system 5.usb Interface Design
Platform: | Size: 1126400 | Author: kevin | Hits:


Description: 一些控制器如led等的系统,也许对你有很大帮助哦MCS-51单片机温度控制系统.rarUSB接口设计.rar单片机串行通信发射机.rar16×16点阵(滚动显示)论文+程序.rar-Led some, such as controllers such as the system, perhaps of great help to you Oh, MCS-51 single-chip temperature control system. RarUSB interface design. Rar single-chip serial communication transmitter. Rar16 × 16 dot matrix (scroll display) Papers+ procedures. rar
Platform: | Size: 3343360 | Author: gaomj | Hits:


Description: 设计并调试好一个16*16 LED点阵组成的彩灯图案,要求一种花案模式一直循环,最后用EL-EDA-V型EDA实验开发系统进行硬件验证。 图案:实现16*16点阵的16行同时从上往下依次点亮,全亮后16行又同时从下往上依次熄灭; -Design and debug a good 16* 16 LED lantern patterns composed of dot-matrix, to a flower cycle model has been the case, and finally with EL-EDA-V-based Experimental Development of EDA hardware verification system. Pattern: 16* 16 lattice implementation of the 16 line up down the order from the light, all light after the 16 line at the same time out from the bottom-up order
Platform: | Size: 396288 | Author: 庄青青 | Hits:


Description: 停车场显示是日常生活中使用很平常的系统,停车场显示系统的核心是LED显示。本次设计使用KH-310实验箱,使用点阵模块和数码管模块,根据显示的扫描原理,利用8X8点阵模拟实际停车位并由数码管显示车位信息。- Parking is a show system that everyday life is usual to use the information.parking display system is the core of the LED display. The design of the experimental use of KH-310 boxes, the use of dot-matrix modules and digital control module, according to the scan shows that the principle of the use of dot-matrix 8X8 analog actual parking spaces by the digital display of information.
Platform: | Size: 1097728 | Author: huangyang | Hits:

[Program docled_zfsj

Description: 现场可编程门阵列( FPGA) 是一种可编程逻辑器件, 它具有丰富的I/O 口及内部资源, 编程和修改极为方便, 并且易于扩展和维护, 简化电子电路的设计。本系统采用Altera 公司的FLEX10K作为核心器件, 结合VHDL程序, 实现了对LED 点阵显示字符的控制。-Field programmable gate array (FPGA) is a programmable logic device, which has a wealth of I/O port and internal resources, programming and modification is very convenient and easy to extend and maintain, simplified the design of electronic circuits. The system uses Altera' s FLEX10K as a core device, combined with VHDL program, realized right LED dot matrix display character control.
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: x | Hits:


Description: 139个单片机源代码程序和仿真图(DSN),用proteus仿真,学习单片机绝佳的程序。例如:《lcd1602仿真实例》、2io5键盘模拟音量数码管显示、4线步进电机控制、8通道自动温度检测系统仿真(含原程序)、32X16LED汉字点阵显示屏(atmega16)、32x16汉字、DS18B20仿真实例、PWM电机正反转、PWM调温、SPI演示文件两个595对接、ULN2803、播放音乐、代码大全中文版[1]、单片机控制的电动自行车驱动系统、单片机实验29个、俄罗斯方块、刚做好的十个字的led屏模拟有程序、搞得一个温湿度传感器电路、混合电压系统设计、基于PROTEUS的推箱子游戏、流水灯-139 microcontroller source code program and simulation diagram (DSN), with proteus simulation, learning microcontroller excellent program. For example: "lcd1602 simulation of real- Cases ", 2io5 keyboard analog volume digital tube display, 4 wire stepper motor control, 8-channel automatic temperature detection system simulation (including the original program), 32X16LED character dot-matrix display (atmega16), 32x16 characters, DS18B20 simulation example, PWM motor positive inversion, PWM thermostat, SPI presentation files 2 595 docking, ULN2803, music, code complete Chinese version [1], microcontroller-controlled electric bicycle drive system, single-chip experiment 29 Months, the Russian box, just do a good job in 10 words led screen simulation of process gets to a temperature and humidity sensor circuit, mixed-voltage system design, based on the PROTEUS the Sokoban game, water lights ... ...
Platform: | Size: 21815296 | Author: tong | Hits:

[Windows CEWinCE

Description: wince实验指导,系统定制、BSP克隆、镜像下载、远程工具使用、添加文件及快捷方式、SDK导出、MFC方式俄罗斯方块设计、C#开发托管程序、用户shell实验、数码管及LED点阵实验、串口通讯编程、Bootloader跟踪调试实验、Source Insight进行BootLoader跟踪调试实验。适合初学开发者,很详细、很好的实验-wince experimental guide, system customization, BSP cloning, image download, remote tools, add files and shortcuts, SDK export, MFC way Tetris design, C# development of managed program, the user shell experiments, digital control and LED dot matrix experiment serial communication programming, Bootloader debug tracing experiments, Source Insight for debugging BootLoader tracking experiment. Suitable for beginner developers, very detailed, very good experimental
Platform: | Size: 11520000 | Author: 钟慧娟 | Hits:


Description: 该记分器可实现球场比赛双方积分指示,设计者完成记分器的硬件和软件设计。 任务及要求: 1、发光二极管点阵显示比分 2、1000米远程设置比分 设计内容: 1、分析设计要求,明确性能指标;查阅资料、设计方案分析对比。 2、论证并确定合理的总体设计方案,绘制总体结构框图,分析工作原理。 3、完成各单元具体电路的设计:单片机最小系统、A/D转换、显示等电路。包括元器件选择、工作原理分析。 4、写出程序流程图及汇编源程序。 5、完成课程设计说明书。 -The device can be realized scoring two points race course instructions, complete the scoring device designer hardware and software design. Tasks and requirements: 1, LED dot matrix display to set the score the score 2,1000 meters Remote Design: 1, analysis of design requirements, specific performance indicators access to information, design analysis and comparison. 2, demonstration and determine the reasonable overall design, the overall structure diagram drawing, analysis work. 3, the completion of the specific circuit design of each unit: minimum system microcontroller, A/D conversion and display circuit. Including component selection, the working principle analysis. 4, the write process flow diagram and assembler source. 5, completion of the course design specification.
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: 庆庆 | Hits:


Description: 本文阐明用单片机设计并制作一台简易LED电子显示屏,16行*32列点阵显示的方法,对LED显示模块单元如何进行行列信号控制及信号传输中的驱动问题进行了研究。讨论了单片机控制系统中关键的数据处理以及发送问题,结果表明采用并行数据输入、串行数据及同步时钟输出的专用电路可大大减少CPU的辅助时间,提高数据的发送速度。-This article set out to design and produce with a single chip LED electronic display of a simple, 16 lines* 32 dot matrix display method, the LED display module unit and how the ranks of the signal control signal transmission of the driving issues. Discuss the key SCM control system in data processing and transmission problems, the results show that the parallel data input, serial output data and clock synchronization circuit can greatly reduce the CPU-specific auxiliary time and improve data transmission speed.
Platform: | Size: 171008 | Author: 李康 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programLED

Description: 本设计是一16×16点阵LED电子显示屏动态显示以及远程监控的实现。整机以美国ATMEL 公司生产的40脚单片机AT89C51为核心,介绍了以它为控制系统的LED点阵电子显示屏的动态设计和开发过程。通过该芯片控制两个行驱动器74HC138和两个列驱动器74HC595来驱动显示屏显示。-The design is a 16 × 16 dot matrix LED display dynamic display and remote monitoring to achieve. Machine production in the United States ATMEL 40 pin AT89C51 microcontroller as the core, and introduced it for the control system of LED dot matrix electronic display dynamic design and development process. The chip control two line drive 74HC138 and two drive 74HC595 to drive the display shows.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 欧阳竟 | Hits:


Description: 该例程是本人毕设时所设计的一个16*16LED点阵显示屏,包含原理图、PCB和程序源代码,原理图和PCB分两部分设计,一部分是最小系统,一部分是显示屏控制。系统是基于8051单片机设计的,源代码由汇编写成,关键部分加了注释。-The routine is a 16* 16LED dot matrix display I completed the set design, including schematics, PCB and program source code, schematics and PCB two-part design, part of a minimal system, part of the display control. The system is based on a 8051 design, source code written by the assembler, a key part of add comments.
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 张子龙 | Hits:


Description: 要求完成单片机、LED点阵显示屏及外围芯片的选型、单片机端口资源的分配以及LED点阵显示的控制系统,要求所设计的LED点阵显示屏可以显示数字、字符、中文汉字,并具有动态滚动的效果。-Required to complete the MCU, control system selection, allocation of port resources and LED dot matrix display LED dot matrix display and peripheral chips, LED dot matrix display in the design requirements can display Chinese characters, Chinese characters, numbers, and has the effect of dynamic rolling.
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 谢小冰 | Hits:


Description: LED 点阵显示屏作为一种新兴的显示器件,是由多个独立的 LED 发光二极管封装而成。 LED 点 阵显示屏可以显示数字或符号, 通常用来显示时间、速度、系统状态等。文章给出了一种基于 MCS-51 单片机的 32×32点阵 LED 显示屏的设计方案。包括系统具体的硬件设计方案,软件流程图和部分汇 编语言程序等方面。在负载范围内, 只需通过简单的级联就可以对显示屏进行扩展,是一种成本低廉 的图文显示方案。-LED dot matrix display as a new display device is encapsulated by a number of independent LED light-emitting diodes made. LED point Matrix display can display numbers or symbols, usually used to display time, speed, system status. Paper presents an approach based on MCS-51 SCM 32 × 32 dot matrix LED display design. Including system specific hardware design, software flow chart and some sinks Compiled language program and other aspects. Within the load range, just by a simple cascade can be expanded to display, is a low-cost graphics display program.
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: | Hits:

[hardware designProteus平台8086的交通灯汇编语言实现

Description: 基于proteus平台,采用8086处理器,利用汇编语言编写,可作为微机原理课程设计。设计一套十字路口的交通灯管理系统,通行时间(或禁止时间)30秒,准备时间3秒,在准备时间里黄灯闪烁3次,闪烁频率为0.5秒,周而复始。若有紧急情况(救护车通过),申请中断,四个方向全部红灯,10秒后重新开始。(进一步设计,可以利用实验箱上的多位数码管显示两个方向的倒计时,或LED点阵显示停、行汉字或动画)(Based on the Proteus platform, using 8086 processors and compiled in assembly language, it can be used as a microcomputer principle course design. Design a set of traffic lights management system at crossroads, traffic time (or no time) 30 seconds, preparation time 3 seconds, in the preparation time, yellow light flashes 3 times, flickering frequency is 0.5 seconds, and starts again and again. If there is an emergency (the ambulance passes), apply for interruption, all four directions are red light, and then start again after 10 seconds. (further design, a number of digital tubes on the test box can be used to display countdown in two directions, or LED dot matrix display stop, Chinese character or animation).)
Platform: | Size: 356352 | Author: ykwananxn | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net